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They talk about it in the media
Interview with Cirk biZ'arT on Radio Cave CARLI
Cirk biZ'arT was on Radio Cave Carli in the show Cultive ton Mars in June 2015 in Marseille.

Article on Cirk biZ'arT in the newspaper La Montagne during the Aurillac festival

Press review of the 23rd edition of the Les Affranchis à la Fleche festival
during which Cirk biZ'arT won the OFF award
(The company will therefore be scheduled in the IN in 2016)

Video review of the 1st International Biennial of Circus Arts in Marseille
in which Cirk biZ'arT participated from 04 to 13 February 2015
(4 performances under the Magic Mirror - marquee area on D-4)
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